Univariate Colorbars#

Univariate colorbars are essential for visualizing scalar data in a meaningful way.

pycolorbar holds a colorbar registry making it easy to work with a consistent set of colorbars across different visualizations. The colorbars configurations can be saved into YAML files and re-used/re-registered across various projects.

In this tutorial, we’ll explain how to utilize pycolorbar to define, manipulate, validate and register the colorbars configurations designed for your data visualization.

Colorbar configuration#

The pycolorbar univariate colorbar configuration is orchestrated by three components: cmap, norm and cbar. Each component plays a critical role in defining the appearance and behavior of colorbars used to visually represent your data. Here below we details the parameters to customize your colorbars:

Colormap: cmap#

Purpose: Defines the appeareance of the color map.

Key Elements:

  • name: Identifier for a registered pycolorbar or matplotlib colormap.

  • n: Sets the number of distinct colors in the colormap.

  • bad_color: Defines the color used to represent invalid or missing data. This is useful for highlighting or hiding NaNs or masked values in the data.

  • bad_alpha: Sets the alpha transparency for the bad_color. An alpha value of 0 makes the bad_color fully transparent (invisible), while an alpha value of 1 makes it fully opaque. This allows for fine control over how missing data is visually represented.

  • under_color: Specifies the color to use for data values that are below the lower limit of the colormap. This can be used to highlight values that are too small to fit within the normal range of the colormap.

  • under_alpha: Sets the alpha transparency for the under_color, allowing you to control the visibility of values below the colormap’s range.

  • over_color: Specifies the color to use for data values that exceed the upper limit of the colormap. This is useful for drawing attention to values that surpass the expected range.

  • over_alpha: Sets the alpha transparency for the over_color, providing control over how prominently you wish to display values above the colormap’s range.

Data normalizer: norm#

Purpose: Defines how data values are normalized (i.e. into the 0-1 range) for color mapping.

Key Elements:

  • name: Identifier for the Matplotlib norm.

  • Other arguments expected or allowed by the specified Matplotlib norm.

Currently pycolorbar enable the use of the following matplotlib norms:

Additionaly, pycolorbar provide some custom norms:

  • CategoryNorm: enable to define the norm for a categorical colorbar by specifiying the category labels arguments.

Colorbar aesthetics: cbar#

Purpose: Configures the appearance and labeling of the colorbar itself.

Key Elements:

  • extend: Controls if the colorbar extends beyond its limits to show out-of-bounds data.

  • label: The title for the colorbar, usually indicating the data units or quantity.

  • ticks: and ticklabels: Customize the placement and labels of ticks on the colorbar.

Read the matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar documentation too discover others allowed parameters.

We will now explore how to utilize the pycolorbar package to register, manage, validate, and visualize univariate colorbars.

First of all, let’s start by importing the necessary functions and libraries

import os
import pycolorbar
from pprint import pprint
# Here we first register some pycolorbar colormaps
pycolorbar.register_colormaps(os.path.join(pycolorbar.etc_directory, "colormaps"))

Register configurations#

To get started, let’s explore what colorbars are already available in the registry:

# List all registered colorbars in pycolorbar
available_colorbars = pycolorbar.colorbars.names
print("Available colorbars:", available_colorbars)
Available colorbars: []

Now let’s specify the directory where we have saved our colorbars configurations YAML files. For illustrative purposes, we have designated a directory wherein we have curated a selection of sample colorbar configurations.

# Specify a directory containing colorbars configurations YAML files

# dst_dir = "/path/to/your/colorbar/configs"
dst_dir = os.path.join(pycolorbar.etc_directory, "colorbars") # example colorbars directory in pycolorbar

To register all colorbars configurations YAML files located within a specified directory, you can use pycolorbar.register_colorbars:

# Register all colorbars configurations YAML files located in a directory

# Verify the colorbars are registered
print("Colormaps after registration:", pycolorbar.colorbars.names)
Colormaps after registration: ['category_colorbar', 'combined_colorbar', 'continuous_colorbar', 'continuous_log_colorbar', 'discrete_colorbar', 'probability', 'referenced_colorbar']

If when we register new colorbars we are overwriting pre-registered colorbars, by default pycolorbar raise a warning:

Warning: Overwriting existing colorbar 'discrete_colorbar'
Warning: Overwriting existing colorbar 'category_colorbar'
Warning: Overwriting existing colorbar 'continuous_colorbar'
Warning: Overwriting existing colorbar 'referenced_colorbar'
Warning: Overwriting existing colorbar 'continuous_log_colorbar'
Warning: Overwriting existing colorbar 'combined_colorbar'
Warning: Overwriting existing colorbar 'probability'

To silence the warning, you can specify the argument verbose=False:

pycolorbar.register_colorbars(dst_dir, verbose=False)

To instead avoid overwriting, you can specify the argument force=False. If an existing colorbar is gonna to be overwritten, an informative error is raised.

# pycolorbar.register_colormaps(dst_dir, force=False)

If you aim to register only a specific colorbar configurations YAML file, you can use the pycolorbars.register_colorbar function:

cbar_dicts_filepath = os.path.join(pycolorbar.etc_directory, "colorbars", "example_colorbar_configurations.yaml")
print("Registered colorbars:", pycolorbar.colorbars.names)
Warning: Overwriting existing colorbar 'discrete_colorbar'
Warning: Overwriting existing colorbar 'category_colorbar'
Warning: Overwriting existing colorbar 'continuous_colorbar'
Warning: Overwriting existing colorbar 'referenced_colorbar'
Warning: Overwriting existing colorbar 'continuous_log_colorbar'
Warning: Overwriting existing colorbar 'combined_colorbar'
Warning: Overwriting existing colorbar 'probability'
Registered colorbars: ['category_colorbar', 'combined_colorbar', 'continuous_colorbar', 'continuous_log_colorbar', 'discrete_colorbar', 'probability', 'referenced_colorbar']

Unregister configurations#

If you need to remove a colorbar from the registry, you can use the unregister method:

# Unregister a specific colorbar

# Check the current list of registered colorbars
print("Colormaps after unregistering 'discrete_colorbar':", pycolorbar.colorbars.names)
Colormaps after unregistering 'discrete_colorbar': ['category_colorbar', 'combined_colorbar', 'continuous_colorbar', 'continuous_log_colorbar', 'probability', 'referenced_colorbar']

Reset the registry#

You can reset the entire colorbar registry with:

print("Colorbars after resetting the registry:", pycolorbar.colorbars.names)
Colorbars after resetting the registry: []

Now let’s register again the sample colorbars configurations to proceed with the tutorial:

print("Colorbars after resetting the registry:", pycolorbar.colorbars.names)
Colorbars after resetting the registry: ['category_colorbar', 'combined_colorbar', 'continuous_colorbar', 'continuous_log_colorbar', 'discrete_colorbar', 'probability', 'referenced_colorbar']

Read configurations#

Now let’s have a look on how to read a colorbars configurations YAML file into a python dictionary.

The read_cmap_dicts function enable to read the “raw” colorbar dictionaries saved to a YAML file.

from pycolorbar.settings.colorbar_io import read_cbar_dicts
# Read the raw colorbars configurations file
cbar_dicts = read_cbar_dicts(cbar_dicts_filepath)

# List the name of the colorbars defined in the dictionary
['discrete_colorbar', 'category_colorbar', 'continuous_colorbar', 'referenced_colorbar', 'continuous_log_colorbar', 'combined_colorbar', 'probability']

Now, let’s visualize the raw dictionary of one of the available colorbar configuration:

name = "continuous_colorbar"
{'auxiliary': {'category': ['example', 'continuous']},
 'cbar': {'extend': 'both', 'extendfrac': 0.05, 'label': 'Continuous Colorbar'},
 'cmap': {'bad_alpha': 0.5, 'bad_color': 'none', 'name': 'Spectral_r'},
 'norm': {'name': 'Norm', 'vmax': 50, 'vmin': 10}}

The validated colorbar dictionary can be retrieve directly from the colorbars registry. Note how some fields have been added with sensible defaults value.

name = "continuous_colorbar"
cbar_dict = pycolorbar.colorbars.get_cbar_dict(name)
{'auxiliary': {'category': ['example', 'continuous']},
 'cbar': {'drawedges': False,
          'extend': 'both',
          'extendfrac': 0.05,
          'extendrect': False,
          'label': 'Continuous Colorbar',
          'shrink': 1,
          'spacing': 'uniform',
          'ticklabels': None,
          'ticklocation': 'auto',
          'ticks': None},
 'cmap': {'bad_alpha': 0.5,
          'bad_color': 'none',
          'n': None,
          'name': 'Spectral_r',
          'over_alpha': None,
          'over_color': None,
          'under_alpha': None,
          'under_color': None},
 'norm': {'clip': False, 'name': 'Norm', 'vmax': 50.0, 'vmin': 10.0}}

Add temporary configurations#

The colorbar registry add_cbar_dict allows to temporary add a single colorbar configuration to the registry.

pycolorbar.colorbars.add_cbar_dict(cbar_dict, name="my_custom_colorbar")
# Let's check the custom colorbar dictionary has been added to the registry
assert "my_custom_colorbar" in pycolorbar.colorbars

Reference configurations#

For variables with different names that require identical visualization styles, you can create colorbar configurations that reference to another colorbar configuration.

What you need to do is to just specify the name of the reference colorbar as follow:

cbar_dict = {"reference": "discrete_colorbar"}
pycolorbar.colorbars.add_cbar_dict(cbar_dict, name="my_reference_colorbar")

Validate configurations#

If you aims to define your own colorbar configuration dictionary, you can validate it with:

validated_cbar_dict = pycolorbar.validate_cbar_dict(cbar_dict, name="continuous_colorbar")
{'reference': 'discrete_colorbar'}

To validate the registered colorbar configurations you can use the pycolorbar.colorbars.validate method.

pycolorbar.colorbars.validate("my_reference_colorbar") # validate a specific colorbar
pycolorbar.colorbars.validate("my_custom_colorbar") # validate a specific colorbar
pycolorbar.colorbars.validate() # validate all colorbars in the registry

Save configurations#

Colorbars configurations can be saved to YAML files. A YAML file is allowed to contains the the configuration of multiple colorbars.

In contrast to the pycolorbar colormap configuration YAML file where the filename gives the name to the colormap, the name of a colorbars configurations YAML file does not matter.

You can save all registered colorbar configurations to a single YAML file to disk with:

filepath = "/tmp/all_colorbars_configuration.yaml"
pycolorbar.colorbars.to_yaml(filepath=filepath, force=True)

Or alternatively, you can write to disk a subset of the registered colorbar configurations by specifying the names:

filepath = "/tmp/subset_colorbars_configuration.yaml"
names = ["discrete_colorbar", "my_reference_colorbar"]
pycolorbar.colorbars.to_yaml(names=names, filepath=filepath, force=True)
# Let's check the written YAML file
cbar_dicts = read_cbar_dicts(filepath)
{'discrete_colorbar': {'auxiliary': {'category': ['example', 'discrete']},
                       'cbar': {'drawedges': False,
                                'extend': 'max',
                                'extendfrac': 'auto',
                                'extendrect': False,
                                'label': 'Discrete Colorbar',
                                'shrink': 1,
                                'spacing': 'uniform',
                                'ticklabels': None,
                                'ticklocation': 'auto',
                                'ticks': None},
                       'cmap': {'bad_alpha': 0.2,
                                'bad_color': 'gray',
                                'n': 16,
                                'name': 'STEPS-MCH',
                                'over_alpha': None,
                                'over_color': 'darkred',
                                'under_alpha': None,
                                'under_color': 'none'},
                       'norm': {'boundaries': [0.08,
                                'clip': False,
                                'extend': 'neither',
                                'name': 'BoundaryNorm',
                                'ncolors': 16}},
 'my_reference_colorbar': {'reference': 'discrete_colorbar'}}

Colorbars categories#

pycolorbar provides a way to retrieve a custom selection of registered colorbars according to the categories specified in the auxiliary/category field of the colorbar configuration.

For example, the "discrete_colorbar" auxiliary/category field contains the categories ['example', 'discrete'].

With the available_colorbars function we can retrieve the list of colorbars belonging to a given category:

['discrete_colorbar', 'my_reference_colorbar']

With exclude_referenced=True it is possible to exclude the colorbars configurations that point to others configurations:

pycolorbar.available_colorbars(category="discrete", exclude_referenced=True)

By default, available_colorbars return the list of all registered colorbar configurations.


Visualize colorbars#

To visualize the appearance of a single colorbar, you can use pycolorbar.show_colorbar:


To visualize the matplotlib colormap of a colorbar configuration, you can call the get_cmap method of the colorbar registry:

cmap = pycolorbar.colorbars.get_cmap("discrete_colorbar")

To visualize all registered colorbars (that do not reference to another configuration), you can use pycolorbar.show_colorbars:


It’s also possible to subset the colorbars to display with the category and exclude_referenced parameters:

pycolorbar.show_colorbars(category="discrete", exclude_referenced=False)

When you define your colorbars, please consider to add the relevant categories to the auxiliary/categoryfield of the colorbar configuration !

Customize colorbars defaults#

pycolorbar offers a way to directly experiment how the default colorbar configuration is modified based on user arguments. Here below we provide some examples:

from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
pycolorbar.show_colorbar("category_colorbar", user_plot_kwargs={"cmap": "Spectral"})  # change colormap, labels conserved !
pycolorbar.show_colorbar("category_colorbar", user_plot_kwargs={"vmin": 0, "vmax": 3}) # change norm, but colormap conserved !
pycolorbar.show_colorbar("category_colorbar", user_plot_kwargs={"cmap": "Spectral", "norm": Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=3)})
The default pycolorbar norm is a <class 'matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm'> and does not accept 'vmin' and 'vmax'.
 Switching the norm to Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=3) !
pycolorbar.show_colorbar("discrete_colorbar", user_cbar_kwargs={"extend": "both"})
pycolorbar.show_colorbar("discrete_colorbar", user_plot_kwargs={"cmap": "Spectral"}, user_cbar_kwargs={"extend": "both"})

Customized matplotlib plots#

As you have just seen here above, pycolorbar offer a way to edit the default colorbars configurations based on additional user arguments. Here below, we show how to use the get_plot_kwargs to easily customize matplotlib-based plots. The following example also holds for cartopy, xarray and geopandas plots.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Let's simulate a 2D array with linear gradients
width = 100
height = 100
# Horizontal gradient
horizontal_gradient = np.linspace(0, 100, width)
image_horizontal = np.tile(horizontal_gradient, (height, 1))
# Vertical gradient
vertical_gradient = np.linspace(0, 100, height).reshape(-1, 1)
image_vertical = np.tile(vertical_gradient, (1, width))
# Diagonal gradient by averaging horizontal and vertical gradients
image = (image_horizontal + image_vertical) / 2
# Default matplotlib plot
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7fd179872250>
# Retrieve plot and colorbar kwargs defaults using pycolorbar
plot_kwargs, cbar_kwargs = pycolorbar.get_plot_kwargs(name="discrete_colorbar")
# Plot
plt.imshow(image, **plot_kwargs)
ticklabels = cbar_kwargs.pop("ticklabels")
cbar = plt.colorbar(**cbar_kwargs)
# Retrieve customized plot and colorbar kwargs using pycolorbar
plot_kwargs, cbar_kwargs = pycolorbar.get_plot_kwargs(name="discrete_colorbar",
                                                      user_plot_kwargs={"cmap": "Spectral", "vmin": 0, "vmax": 100})
# Plot
plt.imshow(image, **plot_kwargs)
The default pycolorbar norm is a <class 'matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm'> and does not accept 'vmin' and 'vmax'.
 Switching the norm to Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=100) !
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7fd1797f1510>